gtdl - Graphical To-Do List

gtdl is a small application written in Gambas that provides a graphical interface to tdl.

What's New?
Why Gambas?
Why tdl?
Why bring them together?
Release Notes and Shameless Begging for Feedback
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SourceForge Project

What's New?

05/31/2005: Released 0.1.4. This release fixes several annoying bugs, including the "Expand All" bug and multi-user bug. See CHANGELOG for details.

05/29/2005: I notice has finally fixed their statistics doodad. I check on gtdl and am completely floored by the number of downloads it's gotten so far. I am hideously embarrassed, since I left some extremely ugly code and vicious bugs in 0.1.3, which just goes to show that you should never assume that nobody will download your software, even if it is clearly labelled "Alpha software -- smacktacular crudfest." I immediately start fixing some of the more obvious bugs. "Immediately" being defined as "tomorrow, after coffee."

02/01/2005: Released 0.1.3. This release adds "purge" and "ignore" functionality, and fixes a few bugs. Not terribly sure what happened to release 0.1.2, guessing it was probably a victim of gambas' version auto-incrementation.

01/20/2005: Released 0.1.1. This release fixes several bugs.

01/12/2005: Initial release (0.1). Three days after posting it, Sourceforge's download statistics thingy is taken offline. I will spend the next five months assuming that gtdl has only been downloaded three times.

Why Gambas?

Gambas is a fairly new piece of software-- it's a free language/IDE designed for RAD, built on the BASIC interpreter, with object extensions. In short, it's Visual Basic for Linux; but with all the VB nastiness taken out (language inconsistencies, stupidities, bugginess, etc.) It's what VB should have been all along. As someone who spent far too much of his professional life developing in VB 4.0 through .NET (for money, I swear!), I was thrilled to see something for Linux aimed squarely at my VB-atrophied brainstem. Gambas is easy to pick up, fairly small and fast as hell to develop in.

In case you can't tell, I really, really like it.

Why tdl?

tdl is one of those tiny programs that does one thing and does it extremely well: it creates and maintains a hierachical to-do list. Used strictly from the command line, it's a robust and speedy little program.

I like tdl, too.

Why bring them together?

Because anytime you like two different things, you should bring them together, like your wife and your mistress, or potted-meat-and-jelly sandwiches.

Actually, since I'm learning Gambas and using tdl, and it seemed natural to put the two together. The only issue I have with tdl is that it can only be run from a command line-- and there are times when I just don't feel like switching away from the pretty colors on my screen; thus, gtdl.

Release Notes

Current version is 0.1-4

I don't know what all the issues will be while installing and running gtdl. The source package has a binary in it-- this may or may not work. Try it, what's the worst that could happen? (Famous last words) It was built with Gambas 1.03, and works with tdl 1.5.2. Other versions will probably work... if you get gtdl going with other versions of Gambas/tdl, let me know! I'll add it to this list and stick your name in the credits file.

This is an early version, so bear in mind that there are a few missing features and a bit of wigginess. Also, the code is kind of ugly. Currently known issues include:

  1. Apparently I left in debugging Message()s in the release version of 0.1... oops! If you saw a message box saying something like COMD: tdla 24 "Stop being a wanker" then that was my fault. The Message bit, not the wanker bit. Fixed in 0.1-1.
  2. Defer/postpone functionality has been deferred until a later postponement.
  3. Reporting is minimal.
  4. Not all tdl features are implemented yet
  5. Code could use refactoring already
  6. I have not had enough coffee

This is my first Linux programming project, so there are probably a large number of things I've forgotten, didn't know, or failed to take into account. I would appreciate it if you could let me know if you find bugs, think of something I've not yet put in, or can't make the doggone thing work. Or if you want to, you can just send me a message.


Click here to download the latest version.


Here you can marvel at my unmatched interface design skills... or whatever. :)

SourceForge Project

You can view the Sourceforge project here.